About some measures to intensify the implementation of the state policy on science and technology

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About some measures to intensify the implementation of the state policy on science and technology



2019.10.16                                                      №379                                              Ulaanbaatar city

About some measures to intensify the implementation of the state policy on science and technology


Based on Article 6.1.1 of the Law on Science and Technology, the Government of Mongolia shall determine:

1. To instruct the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports Yo.Baatarbileg to take the following measures in order to intensify the implementation of the Action Plan of the Government of Mongolia for 2016-2020 and the State Policy on Science and Technology:

1.1. Within the framework of the goal of creating a multifaceted source of financing and investment in the science and technology sector specified in Article 4.3.3 of the State Policy on Science and Technology approved by the Government Resolution No.295 of 2017, there shall be a transition to create a legal environment for significant state budget investment research projects to be implemented by research organizations;

1.2. To study and resolve the issue of providing additional skills and appropriate financial support to researchers on a monthly basis within the framework of the relevant legislation, considering the specifics relating to the science and technology sector;

1.3. To plan the construction of a complex of scientific institutes and their design starting from 2020, and to include funding sources in the state budget;

1.4. To study and resolve the issue of providing additional skills and monetary rewards to researchers who publish scientific articles in internationally renowned professional journals;

1.5. To study the issue of putting into circulation the intellectual property stored in the Science and Technology Fund and the research database of universities and to present proposals for measures to be taken;

1.6 To develop a proposal to organize the activities, structure and organization of the Science and Technology Fund in accordance with international standards and submit it to the Cabinet meeting;

2. To instruct the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports Yo.Baatarbileg and the Minister of Finance Ch.Khurelbaatar to take measures to improve the regulation related to the disbursal of additional income earned within the main activities of the research organization.

3. Decide to organize a congress of scientists every 5 years

4. To instruct the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports Yo.Baatarbileg to monitor the implementation of this resolution.



Prime Minister of Mongolia                                                               U. Khurelsukh

Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports                          Yo. Baatarbileg