Minister of Education and Science, Mr L. Enkh-Amgalan received H.E Ms Fiona Blyth, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland to Mongolia. During the meeting, the two countries exchanged ideas on how to further cooperate in the fields of education and science. Minister of Education and Science Mr L.Enkh-Amgalan received newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mongolia, Mr Helmut Rudolf Kulitz to his office today. /2023.10.05/ The World Bank presented a new study, "How to accelerate Student learning: Lessons from 60 countries", which studied the experiences of 60 countries about what measures the countries of the world took and how they reopened schools and started their normal activities. A certificate of Recognition was awarded to Mr. Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren, the Minister of Education and Science by Mr. Evariste Komlan, Representative of UNICEF in Mongolia for his leadership in Early Childhood Development and the elimination of lottery kindergarten system in the academic year of 2022-2023. The General law bill on education was approved at the spring session of the State Great Khural on July 7, 2023 since it was first presented to the Parliament speaker Mr G.Zandanshatar on June 24, 2021. Under the auspices of the President of Mongolia, the 23rd Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) successfully took place in Ulaanbaatar on May 22-28. Yesterday, the results of the APhO were summed up, in which 195 students from 27 countries of the Asia-Pacific region participated. The Speaker of the Great Khural, Mr G. Zandanshatar had a meeting today with Mr Jamie Savedra, Director of Education of the World Bank. Mongolian delegation led by Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan are taking part in the “Education World Forum”, which is being held in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland between 7 and 10 May. At the invitation of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Mongolia G. Ganbayar, the Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Jaroslav Miller, is paying a working visit to Mongolia on April 17-20, 2023. inister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland to Mongolia, with residence in PRC, Ms.  Leena-Kaisa Mikkola on March 28. Local Education Group (LEG) High Level Consultation Meeting was held on March 14 in Ulaanbaatar. The Minister of Education and Science Mr. Enkh-Amgalan and other official representatives are paying Official Visit to the Commonwealth of Australia between March 6-10. On the first day of the visit, the representatives met with the Minister for Skills and Training of Australia Mr. Brendan O'Connor. The Lead Editor, the Laureate of the Order of Chinggis Khaan, and Academician D. Dorjgotov and his fellow scholars have presented the updated edition of “National Atlas of Mongolia” to Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan. Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia E. Odbayar held a meeting with Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic Jaroslav Miller on November 15. Exactly a century ago, in 1922, 15 Mongolian boys and girls left for Moscow for the first time to enter Russian universities to study at the invitation of the Russian Government and became the pioneers of a pathway of obtaining education in Russia for thousands of Mongols. Over the past 100 years, more than 70 thousand citizens of Mongolia had received higher, secondary specialized, vocational education in different cities of the former Soviet Union or the current Russian Federation and took an active part in the formative construction and development of their homeland. On August 23, 2022 the steering committee meeting of ‘Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training’ (cTVET) was held at Ministry of Education and Science, members agreed on the operational plan of the project to implement until the end of 2023. On August 19, Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan received UNFPA Head of Office in Mongolia Dr. Khalid Sharifi. Deputy Minister of Education and Science G.Ganbayar received the delegation led by Head of the Education Division of the Daejeon city of the Republic of Korea Sol Dong-ho. The Mongolian national puzzle games have been exhibited at the annual ‘Thailand National Science and Technology Fair 2022’ organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Thailand and the National Science Museum of Thailand. The annual ‘Young Mongolists’ Summer School’ international program has commenced today, July 25 with an opening ceremony at the Ministry of Education and Science. The Minister of Education and Science Mr. L.Enkh-Amgalan and the Ministry officials paid a courtesy call on Her Royal Highness Maha Chakri Sirindor, the Princess of the Kingdom of Thailand during the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Education Ministers' Conference. The 14th Mongolia-UK Round Table meeting was held on May 12, 2022 in Ulaanbaatar. The Mongolian delegation was headed by Enkh-Amgalan L, Minister of Education and Science, and the British delegation was led by Amanda Milling, Minister for Asia and the Middle East at the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office. The two sides exchanged views on the current situation and the actions to take towards expanding cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, education, energy, road transport, construction, and urban development in terms of the economic recovery after the pandemic. Both sides will make a joint press release of the outcome of the meeting. Minister of Education and Science Mr. L.Enkh-Amgalan welcomed Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia and Head of Mission Mrs Axel Nicaise. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan welcomed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand to Mongolia Mr. Artayut Srisamut. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan welcomes The World Bank Human Development program manager Mr Ruslan Yemtsov. The Education Quality Reform Project has been funded by the World Bank since 2015 and will end this year. However, during the meeting, they exchanged views on further cooperation. During its meeting held today, the Cabinet resolved to transfer Mongolia-Japan Teaching Hospital under the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS). Mongolia is preparing to get involved in the ‘PISA 2022’- Programme for International Student Assessment, in April this year. In this regard, Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan held an online meeting with the organizers. Minister of Education and Science Mr L.Enkh-Amgalan and Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia H.E. Jörn Rosenberg together visited today the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT) in Nalaikh. They were accompanied by representatives of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the KfW Development Bank. Today, the number of foreign students studying in China has reached 500,000. The China Campus Network /CCN/ of Chinese universities includes about 20 city universities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin. The expansion of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries provides an opportunity to cooperate in the field of education. The secretary of the China Campus Network /CCN/ said that other cooperation will continue in the future, such as training teachers, scientists and researchers, and the 2 + 2 program. On January 27, the United States and Mongolia reaffirmed their shared commitment to providing high quality educational opportunities for Mongolian students and to building lasting linkages between U.S. and Mongolian institutions by signing the renewed Bi-national Fulbright Foreign Student Program agreement. Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The Ministry of Education and Science has signed a four-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Erdenet Mining Enterprise to collaborate in developing the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)’s Erdenet college in Orkhon aimag specifically in the fields of mining and technology. During the meeting, they discussed about Mongolian-German cooperation in the field of education, the status of the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology, and the launch of a Master's program in vocational education. The Minister of Education and Science of Mongolia welcomes UNICEF Representative in Mongolia Mr Evariste Kouassi Komlan The Ministry of Education and Science has successfully organized the 2021 meeting of its donor organizations. Resident representatives of the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and the United Nations, Ambassadors of the United States, France, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and Italy, and some staff of Embassies and international organizations attended the meeting. Ambassadors representing Mongolia abroad also took part in the meeting virtually. During the RewirEd summit that took place in the United Arab Emirates on December 12-14, Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan held a meeting with UAE Minister of Education Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi. At the meeting, Minister L.Enkh-Amgalan informed his UAE counterpart that three kindergartens have been opened in Ulaanbaatar city and Khentii and Dornogobi aimags with the aid the UAE government provided to Mongolia for the establishment of kindergartens. Moreover, the Minister thanked the UAE government for granting undergraduate scholarships to two Mongolian students every year and asked the UAE side to increase the number of scholarships  and  provide postgraduate scholarships. On June 24, Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan presented the bill for the General Law on Education to Speaker G.Zandanshatar. Alongside its corresponding bills, the bill for the General Law on Education was decided to be submitted to the parliament during a Cabinet meeting on January 20, 2021. Eight consulting teams were established for drafting the bill, which consisted of scholars and researchers of various universities and colleges, and scientific organizations. An event to launch digital transformation in educational sector was launched on June 11, Friday with Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan, Minister of Finance B.Javkhlan and officials and specialists from the Education Ministry, schools and kindergartens across the country in attendance. On May 12, a document of the project towards supporting school food manufacturing and services was signed by Head of the Department of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science T.Nyam-Ochir and Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Mongolia Office E.Tamura. This week coincides with the 100 days of the Government. In these 100 days, the Ministry of Education and Science has opened the door for Mongolian students to study at three US universities at low-cost opportunities. The Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, are successfully organizing the fourth day of the International Virtual Conference on “Sustainable development education partnership and cooperation” within the framework of the “Education for Sustainable Development-II” project. ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF MONGOLIA /2020-12-17/ A/189 Primary and secondary education sector brief introduction. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 839 general education schools (672 public and 167 private) are operating in the country. Of the total number of schools, 72 are elementary, 109 middle, 611 high schools and 47 complex schools. A brief introduction to the pre-primary education sector In the 2020-2021 academic year, there are 1454 (public 948, private 506) kindergartens operating in Mongolia. Nationally, 247,040 children in 8,499 groups are included in preschool education sector. Higher education sector brief introduction. The number of universities and colleges operating in Mongolia in the 2020-2021 academic year is 88, of which 37 (42%) are universities, 48 (54.6%) are higher education institutions, and 3 (3.4%) are colleges. Of the 48 universities, 3 (6.3%) are foreign universities. Of the total schools, 65 (73.9%) are non-government, 20 (22.7%) are state-owned, and 3 (3.4%) are public / religious. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan received Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Mongolia Raúl Delgado Concepcion.  At the beginning of the meeting, the Ambassador highlighted that Cuba allocates 51 percent of its yearly national budget for the sectors of healthcare and education, with 28 percent of the GDP being utilized for education. The Steering Committee meeting of the ‘Education for Sustainable Development-II’ (ESD-II) project, funded by the Swiss Cooperation in Mongolia and implemented jointly by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) was successfully held online on March 31. The meeting was attended by 15 participants including D.Ganbold, State Secretary of the MET, chairperson of the Steering Committee, D.Batbaatar, State Secretary of the MES and Benoit Meyer-Bisch, Deputy Head of the Swiss Cooperation in Mongolia, Vice chairs of the Steering Committee, the members of the Steering Committee and the project team. Minister of Educaiton and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan had a meeting with Kaori Ishikawa, Head of Office for Mongolia Country Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). UNFPA has jointly implemented and provided support for numerous projects and programs in Mongolia. The Global Education Coalition marks its first anniversary this year. Thus on March 29, a high-level ministerial event was virtually organized under the theme, ‘One year into COVID: Prioritizing education recovery to avoid a generational catastrophe’, gathering education ministers of the member countries. The ministers exchanged views on three main topics, ‘Keeping schools open, prioritizing and supporting teachers’, ‘School dropout and learning loss’, and ‘Digital transformation and the future of education’, sharing their practices. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan had a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Mongolia Jorn Rosenberg.  “The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education not only in Mongolia, but all over the world. Over 25 percent of the students have fallen behind due to the pandemic,” the Education Minister said, making a proposal to cooperate in addressing COVID-19 related learning loss in the short term. “In the long term, we plan to carry out reforms in education and science sectors and revise the sectors legal framework by elaborating the financial and governance structures” On March 25, officials of the Ministry of Education and Science held a meeting with female MPs. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Construction and Urban Development, and Minister of Environment and Tourism as well as representatives of the ministries. During the meeting, they exchanged views on the comprehensive plan for students to catch up on studies as well as ways to improve sanitation facilities at schools, kindergartens, and dorms. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia and the University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA. The MoU was signed by the Minister of Education and Science of Mongolia L.Enkh-Amgalan and the Rector of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Jennifer Lundgren this morning at 06:00 Mongolian time. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mongolia to the United States Yo.Otgonbayar participated in the online signing ceremony. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan today received Ambassador of Russia to Mongolia I.K.Azizov. Within the framework of bilateral cooperation in education sector, nine documents are in effect. During the meeting, the parties agreed to intensify implementation of these documents. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan had a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to Mongolia Mohinder Pratap Singh on March 16. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia and George Mason University, USA. Within this umbrella MoU signed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia and George Mason University, the Mongolian University of Science and Technology and George Mason University will implement the 2+2 programs. Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Stets of America to Mongolia Michael Klecheski today, on March 4. They had discussions about expanding bilateral cooperation as well as joint programs on education, science, innovation and technology. Minister of Education and Science L.Tsedevsuren met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba to Mongolia Raul Delgado Concepcion. The sides congratulated each other on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and exchanged views on expanding cooperation in education and science. On October 26, Deputy Minister of Education and Science G.Ganbayar received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to Mongolia M.P.Singh. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on partnership between the two countries in the education sector, and agreed to accelerate works to be conducted in the framework of the memorandum established in 2015. Kaori Ishikawa, the Head of Office of UNFPA Mongolia, met with L. Tsedevsuren, the Minister of Education and Science on Monday, October 19. In addition to congratulating on the new appointment as the Minister of Education and Science, Ms. Kaori Ishikawa discussed with the Minister about the health education system as well as the institutionalization of health education, specifically the comprehensive sexuality education in Mongolia. UNFPA has played a key role in promoting health education in the Mongolian education system since 1997  Minister of Education and Science L.Tsedevsuren on October 12 met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Mongolia Philippe Merlin. The sides recalled at the meeting that the Mongolia-France archaeological expedition was formed in 1993 and commenced its research on the Xiongnu Empire - ‘The First Steppe Empire’ in 2003 under the auspices of the heads of state of the two countries. The expedition conducted excavations in 55 historic landmarks between 1996 and 2014 and the French side restored  over 200 finds and handed over to the Mongolian side. On August 11, Minister of Education and Science L.Tsedevsuren met Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Mongolia Mrs. Doan Thi Huong. The two sides exchanged views on the effective implementation of joint projects for production and research on traditional medical products within the framework of scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries. ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SCIENCE AND SPORTS OF MONGOLIA /2020-05-29/ №270 RESOLUTION GOVERNMENT OF MONGOLIA /2019.10.16/ №379 "About some measures to intensify the implementation of the state policy on science and technology" ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SCIENCE AND SPORTS OF MONGOLIA /2018-04-06/ № A/195 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, SCIENCE AND SPORTS OF MONGOLIA /2018-04-06/ №A/194 National program for the development of Mongolian studies 2020-09-09 Policy, programs Read 556 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE /2015-07-01/ №А/262 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE OF MONGOLIA /2010-06-29/ № 314 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE OF MONGOLIA /2010-01-21/ №26 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE OF MONGOLIA /2007-03-27/ №88 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE OF MONGOLIA /2006-12-29/ №480 ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, CULTURE AND SCIENCE /2006-09-06/ № 310